Tandy 6000 repair
I pulled my father’s Tandy 6000 out of his garage where it had been setting for around 3 decades. In the early 90’s he found this old computer for sale and originally wanted to use it for recording his vehicle records, it worked for awhile but suddenly stopped. Thinking it was something like a blown fuse, he opened it in an attempt to repair however didn’t see anything that he could repair. In late 2018 I pulled the computer out of it’s deep and covered tomb deep in the corner of the garage. It was caked in thick oily dust. I spent several days just getting it cleaned up to the point of not having an instantly completely dirty workbench. I worked through every connector and inspected all the components. I found that the video connector that sends power and signal had broken the ground pin. I glued and soldered a clipped component lead I had to give some mechanical structure and to ensure that the trace was electrically bridged. After a good cleaning of the internals I reassembled the computer and booted it for the first time in around 30 years, it booted. Most of the pictures that I took were for reassembly and I didn’t take any once completed.